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SagePlus with FFS Applications

June 20, 2023 @ 8:00 am June 23, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

This SagePlus™ training course provides training specific to the SagePlus™ suite of analytical tools used to evaluate pressure-containing equipment such as process vessels, piping, and storage tanks. The course will cover the structure of the SagePlus™ software and is designed to develop skills in its navigation and use. The software can be used to design new equipment or evaluate in-service equipment based on the criteria in the ASME and API design codes and standards. In-service evaluation capability includes equipment rerating or fitness-for-service for a wide variety of damage mechanisms.

$2260 *Save by registering at least 30 days before 1st day of class

SagePlus with FFS Applications

March 6, 2023 March 10, 2023

This SagePlus™ training course provides training specific to the SagePlus™ suite of analytical tools used to evaluate pressure-containing equipment such as process vessels, piping, and storage tanks. The course will cover the structure of the SagePlus™ software and is designed to develop skills in its navigation and use. The software can be used to design new equipment or evaluate in-service equipment based on the criteria in the ASME and API design codes and standards. In-service evaluation capability includes equipment rerating or fitness-for-service for a wide variety of damage mechanisms.

$1,390 Save by registering at least 30 days before 1st day of class
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