ASME VIII-Div. 1 – Mandatory Appendix 46 (NEW)
The upcoming SagePlusTM release includes significant changes that support the new mandatory appendix in ASME VIII-Div. 1 (Mandatory Appendix 46). This option will allow you to use ASME VIII-Div. 2 calculations with the ASME VIII-Div. 1 material properties. Previously, there was a flag to do compressive stress to ASME VIII-Div. 2. In NOZZLE, there was a separate flag that enabled you to switch between ASME VIII-Div. 1 and ASME VIII-Div. 2. The new release follows the Mandatory Appendix 46, which will switch all the equations in the background to ASME VIII-Div. 2 equations while retaining the ASME VIII-Div. 1 material properties. The mandatory appendix option will be available in all modules. Note that these code changes are not backwards compatible.
New Design Feature
A “New Design” option will be added to all the Design Code calculation modules. This feature allows you to check or perform design calculations for new equipment without the additional input and output overhead typically associated with in-service calculations. Many of the modules contain built-in optimization that results in the ideal design for the component or equipment.
Materials Database Updates
The internal material database used for SagePlusTM and other E2G software products is being completely overhauled from the original Codes of construction. The new database will include all metallic material specifications from the Codes and Addenda listed below. The database will also include a reference for every material specification to the physical property models published in WRC 503.
API 653: Current Standards
API 650: 1961 through 2020
ASME I: 1946 through 1991
ASME II-D: 1992 through 2019
ASME VIII-1: 1925 through 1991
ASME VIII-2: 1963 through 1991
ASME B31.1: 1935 through 2020
ASME B31.3: 1959 through 2018
ASME B31.4: 1959 through 2019
ASME B31.8: 1958 through 2018
New Output – See user enhancements article. This includes the new summary-based output organization and messaging, interactive output results for Code calculations, and hyperlinks to detailed output results.
Appendix 46 – ASME VIII-Div. 1 Mandatory Appendix 46 allows the user to take advantage of the ASME VIII-Div. 2 calculation procedures if the calculations are performed with the ASME VIII-Div. 1 material properties.
New Design – Added a calculation option to design a new component.
Graphics – Full 2D and 3D dynamic graphics rendering of the analysis component(s). See 3D visualization article.
MDMT Interaction – For modules with multiple components that are welded together, the calculations now consider the interactions of all welded joints to determine the limiting MDMT.
AISC Stiffening Rings – AISC steel shapes are now available as selections for stiffening rings.