Ryan Troendle, E.I.T.

Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2019, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Engineer-in-Training (E.I.T.)
API 510 – Pressure Vessel Inspection Certification

Areas of Specialization:

API 579 Fitness-for-Service Evaluations
Pressure Vessel Repair, Alteration, and Rerates
Turnaround Engineering and Maintenance Support
Piping Flexibility Analysis


Mr. Troendle is an Engineer II with the Mechanical & Structural Team at E2G.  As a member of the team, he performs fitness-for-service, piping flexibility, and stress analysis evaluations.  Prior to E2G, he held various roles for Phillips 66 as a maintenance engineer, process engineer, and capital project engineer for the Lake Charles Refinery.  His duties included providing day-to-day maintenance and operational support.  He has also provided engineering support by developing repair plans and assisting with making run/repair/replace decisions during the inspection phase of turnarounds.  He is looking forward to expanding his knowledge and technical skills at E2G.

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