Michael Matrona

Staff Software Engineer I
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, 2018, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

Areas of Specialization:

FORTRAN Development
Probability of Failure and Consequence of Failure Development Based on API 581
Tube Rupture Credibility Assessments per API STD 521
Pressure Relief Devices
Process Simulation


Mr. Matrona joined E2G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. in 2018 and currently works as a software engineer.  As a developer of the SagePlus™ software, Mr. Matrona’s responsibilities include implementation of new technology and validation of the software’s fitness-for-service (FFS) and Codes and Standards analysis capability.

During his time as an engineering consultant, his work included diverse projects encompassing the Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), Materials & Corrosion (M&C), and the Innovative Software & Research (ISR) Teams.  Mr. Matrona has formulated multiple addenda improving the methodology employed by API 581 and is currently working to develop an API 581 module specific to Ammonia SCC.  Within the research group, Mr. Matrona explored modifications to the API 581 inspection updating procedures for pressure relief devices (PRDs).  His consulting work focused on utilizing process simulation software to determine H&MBs, quantify system hydraulics, and design pressure relief systems.

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