Joseph Bednarz, E.I.T.

Staff Software Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2018, The University of Akron, Akron, OH
Engineer-in-Training (E.I.T.), State of Ohio

Areas of Specialization:

ASME Code Compliance Calculations for Pressure Vessels & Piping
Fitness-for-Service Evaluations in Accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1


Mr. Bednarz joined E2G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. in 2018 as a mechanical engineer and currently works as a software engineer.  As a developer of the SagePlus™ software, Mr. Bednarz’s responsibilities include implementation of new technology and validation of the software’s fitness-for-service (FFS) and Codes and Standards analysis capability.  As part of the validation process, Mr. Bednarz develops detailed calculation outputs for PlantManager™, which reproduce procedural calculations independently of the SagePlus™ calculator engine, automatically confirm consistency, and ‘show the work’ for the software.

During his time as an engineering consultant, his work included performing re-rate calculations, Level 2 and 3 FFS, finite element analyses with mapped damage, piping flexibility analysis, shutdown and extended on-site support, and development of tools for minimum pressurization temperature assessments.   

Mr. Bednarz first worked with E2G in Spring 2016 as a software development intern, then returned in Fall 2016 as a corrosion engineering intern, where his duties included developing software tools for HTHA and creep assessments as well as assisting with consulting work.  Mr. Bednarz previously worked for Nordson.


  1. Osage, D.A., Janelle J.L., Bednarz, J., Kowalski, P., Mekker, J.G., Orosz, K.T., Sutton, N.G., “Compendium of Temperature-Dependent Physical Properties for Pressure Vessels, Piping and Tankage Materials,” WRC Bulletin 503, The Welding Research Council, New York, NY, 2019.
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