Adam Smith, P.E.

Staff Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2017, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH
Registered Professional Engineer, States of Alabama and Ohio

Areas of Specialization:

ASME B31.3 Pressure Design Calculations
ASME Code Compliance Calculations for Pressure Vessels & Piping
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Evaluations in Accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
ASME B31.3 Piping Flexibility Analysis
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Responsible Engineer for Several Practices within the Equity Engineering Practices®(EEPs)
Development and Maintenance of EEPs Piping Specifications
On-Site Maintenance and Reliability Support


Mr. Smith is a Staff Engineer within the Mechanical & Structural Engineering Team at E2G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.  As a member of this group, he performs FFS evaluations in accordance with API 579, including Level 3 assessments involving FEA techniques.  He performs piping flexibility analyses (SIMFLEX-III & CAESAR-II) and ASME Pressure Vessel Code calculations to assess compliance of fixed equipment per the appropriate ASME code.  He has supported clients’ maintenance and reliability departments on site and remotely, aiding in the run/repair/replace decision and providing practical and effective solutions. 

Additionally, Mr. Smith supports the EEPs by developing and maintaining current best practices.  E2G offers customizable piping specifications with their Engineering Practices, which Mr. Smith helps advance and maintain.  With his involvement in maintenance of client piping specifications, he aids in the EEP onboarding process by cross referencing a client’s legacy piping specification and valve datasheets to the EEP collection.

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